Thursday 4 December 2014

The return

So I'm back from never-really-being-gone. Lots of things happened, but I'm not going to talk about that in detail here, you'll figure it all out later, as I decided to crack it up a notch and start actively blogging again. So here we go.

1. I'm single now.

No further explanation needed or wanted to be given. It happens, and it's totally okay. 

2. I live in Amsterdam.

Yes, you read it right. I moved to Amsterdam about 3 days ago. The city of cute and small houses, the city of ponds and canals, the city of bikes (and let me tell you, there are a lot of those here). I always liked Amsterdam. It's not too far from where I come from - about 2 hours by train - and it's a great gettaway from the Belgian struggles of life. 

You might think that the Netherlands are very similar to Belgium, but you're wrong. No need to be ashamed, the countries are almost equally as small and nobody really knows what's going on in these cultures. I'm not going to analyze all the differences between the Dutchies and the Belgians, but it comes down to the fact that I like the Netherlands, people-wise. They're open, loud, straight forward and funny. My kind of people!

(Fun fact about me: My mom was born in the Netherlands, which technically makes me half-Dutch, yay for me!!)

3. I study advertising

Finished the previous studies, which I talked about in older posts. Since I was so not ready for adult life and working and being all serious, I decided to do a post graduate in advertising (if you don't know what a post graduate is, look at it as a top-up year). Advertising is fun, although I'm not sure yet what my contribution to the field is. I guess I'll figure it out later. Or not. We'll see.

This is also the reason why I'm in Amsterdam - you see, it all falls into place now! For my fancy smancy advertising course, I needed to do an internship. And as I have the never-ending need of moving around, Amsterdam seemed like the right place to be.

Anyways, that'll do for now. The only thing you really should remember is that I'll pick up the blogging thing again, and I won't let you down, I promise! 

Write to you later,

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