Monday 11 November 2013

The break

Everyone needs a break now and then. Whether it is in your relationship, at work or from university, things can get up to a point where you're just putting yourself away to satisfy others' needs.

Why is it that sometimes, it seems that other things are more important than your own happiness? How come it can become so easy for some of us to just keep on putting up with things that are not really worth it. Recently, I've realized that I have been ignoring my own needs and feelings, to satisfy others or to be able to finish whatever work I have to do for school. However, at one point, I just had to stop, look at myself in the mirror and tell to myself, out loud, that I need a break. A break from all the hectics around me, a break from not caring about myself. I decided to focus on me, and making myself happy again. Because really, if you're not happy with yourself, how you feel or how you look, how can it make the people around you happy?

It's been a slow process for me and I had to be able to take peace with the fact that I can't satisfy everyone, especially not when I haven't been satisfying myself for a while (that sounds wrong, you know what I mean). I started to do things that make me feel good again. Talking to friends about whatever is happening around me, getting drinks at random times of the day. Doing yoga for getting relaxed. Everyone has something that can instantly make them calm. People should do that more often. Take a break from reality and focus on themselves.

Love yourself before you can love others, they say. Right?

Write to you later,


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