Thursday 24 October 2013

The exposure

As I study marketing and as nowadays social media is the next big thing, I come along the matter of exposure on the internet a lot. Also, my friends and I were talking about this a couple of days ago and it got me thinking.

It's all known that whatever site you visit or whatever links you click on influence the sort of advertising you will be exposed to on social networking sites. For example, I see a lot of advertising about shoes, online shopping, clothes, makeup and travel. That pretty much sums up my biggest interests and you could easily guess what kind of personality I could have. This is already the beginning of crossing the privacy line, in my opinion. However, I feel like there is so much more of us floating around on the internet without us knowing, or at least without us realizing that.

For example, how many times have you entered a competition online, and you had to fill in your email address and your personal information? How many sites have you joined over the past few years, going from online shopping sites such as ebay to social networking sites like twitter. All these profiles contain information about your home address, your bank details, your phone number, and I can go on for ages. I have tried to limit the information that can be found about me, like deleting old profiles and unsubscribing from newsletters, but it's literally impossible to control what other people can find out about you. Every tweet, like, posted picture or blogpost ever written by you, in your name, is somewhere lost on the internet and ready to be found. I find that this invades my privacy, but it's the result of my own actions, which makes it sad.

To take it even further, iOS 7 for Iphone 5S can be featured with a thumbreading application, where your fingerprint can be read to unlock your phone. Don't even get me started on this one. I know that I have not made the best decisions in my life regarding what to post and what not to post, but come on, fingerprints?! You might as well give Apple your bank details and your legal records so they can track your path of life for the rest of your days. CSI World edition, anyone?

Write to you later,


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