Friday 18 October 2013

The early resolutions

For as long as I can remember, people make their resolutions at new year's. The beginning of a new year means a new start to a lot of us, a way to rebuild your life and be full of determination. However, I feel like throughout the year, these resolutions kind of fade away (most of them), and the everyday routine of our lives does not seem to feel different or 'new'.

At one point, I stopped making resolutions. I knew that a couple of months later I didn't bother to stick to them anyways or I was too busy enjoying student life to fulfil whatever good intentions I had in the beginning of the year. Instead, I realised that everyday is an opportunity to make a resolution. Everyday you can say to yourself to start doing stuff that you neglected earlier, everyday you can say to yourself to do something new. Here are some resolutions I am currently realising:

  • Start blogilates.
    You should definitely check this out. It is a youtube channel where you can do pilates at home, guided by a girl called Cassey. She's the most inspirational trainer I ever had, haha!
  • Figure out what to do after my bachelor.
    When I started my studies everything for me was planned for three years. I knew exactly to which country I would go and in which universities I would study throughout these years. But now that my bachelor diploma is within reach, the pressure of 'what's next' is creeping upon me. Still figuring it out.
  • Succesfully maintain a long distance relationship.I live in the United Kingdom, my boyfriend lives in Belgium.

At last, here's a quote that I find very inspiring. Everytime I read it I remind myself to take a leap sometimes, to make things happen.

Write to you later,


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