Wednesday 7 January 2015

The new year

I've written about resolutions before. I generally do not believe people need a new year to change their life. For all I know, the 21st of April is a perfectly good day to make a resolution for yourself and try to stick to it. However, I have discovered why a new year is a good moment for people to start doing things differently. Let me explain.

Throughout the year, some fun stuff happen. You have birthdays, bank holidays, name days (thanks to my Latvian friends I know this is also a very good reason to crack a bottle or two) and so on. But at some point, someone decided to put a bunch of these celebrations at the end of the year.
Think about it, there's Halloween at the end of October - you drink.
There's Thanksgiving in November -you drink.
There's Saint Nicholas on the 6th of December (a day for kids in Belgium and the Netherlands to receive gifts if they have been good. As an adult it means you just get wasted.) - you drink.
And then comes the best of it all; Christmas - you drink.
If that wasn't enough, on the very last day of the year there needs to be a huge party because apparantly that's the only day that people want to put effort in organizing an enormous feast.

What I'm saying is that with all of that happening, there is no time to live healthy, or read that book you wanted to read, or run 5 times a week. So why not neglect everything you worked for in the past year, just to start all over again on the 1st of January. Brilliant.

Today is the 7th of January and I decided that I'll follow an online course on Google Analytics, just because (I subscribed and everything, it's for real). Heck, why not decide every month to change something, just a small thing.

I'm just saying, go for it if you want to, what's stopping you? The fact that it's not the first day of a new year?

Write to you later,


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